capacity, abundance and feeling whole
Whenever I read back what I wrote in my journal, I’m always amazed at the growth and insight my own written words show. Not that what I write is particularly profound, but the lined pages are somewhat of a safe haven to me. And in this new recurring series, I’d like to take you with me into my heart, mind and journal to explore where I’m at currently and how I’m moving through my own inner process.
I talk about…
1. How my word of the year, ‘devotion’, continues to show me the way inward instead of outward.
2. What capacity, abundance and the dark moon phase have to do with devotion to myself and to life.
3. How my Saturn return is inspiring me to explore the concept of wholeness – and what it means to be a whole woman.
Devotion is showing me how I can slow down, get still and focus on softness and going within. And it feels like a mini awakening / levelling up in frequency to notice how my capacity is growing to share happiness and pleasure from an abundant place!
Hang out with me this summer!
1. Get on the mailinglist for weekly musings and free resources
2. Check out the free Sacred Rebellion roadmap to get you started on (or deepen) your journey of healing and empowerment.
3. Pay what you can/want for Sacralise Yourself, the self-paced training to bring you back to your feminine energy
4. Or check out my 1:1 container and get yourself on the waitlist for after the Summer!
And join is this July in Portugal for our Inner Sovereignty retreat. From 11-16 July we’ll be taking you on an alchemical journey to feel nourished, inspired and empowered. The last spots are now available!
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem), send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com) and click around on the website for all the current offerings
~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us.
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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