#15 Reading the Tarot, Reclaiming our Inner Witch, and a Multi-Hyphen Spiritual Career ~ w/ Maxime Vossen

Whilst I was in Gent co-hosting a beautiful event (check the previous podcast episode!), Maxime Vossen carved out some time to chat to me. I feel so so lucky that I get to connect with inspiring women like her. Maxime uses yoga, reiki, tarot, and overall intuitive mentorship to guide and inspire people in their lives. She is a beautiful old soul with such wisdom to share, and I can’t wait to hear what you think of this episode!
We talk all about her evolving career as a spiritual entrepreneur, from teaching yoga in to-be-demolished buildings to using reiki and tarot to guide people 1:1 in their lives. We dive deep into how Tarot works ~ which I’m really happy about. I find tarot very intimidating and simply did not know where to start. Please see all the links below for your personal Tarot First Aid Kit, and get card pulling! (and let us know if this instigated you buying a deck! I know it has done for me ;)).
We also chat about Maxime’s own podcast, which she hosts together with Lana Bauwens. They aptly titled it ‘Witches Wear Sneakers’ and we discuss how the term ‘witch’ is used in current society, and how we should try and reclaim the word and its connotations. I would love to know how the word WITCH makes you feel, and why. Let’s open up the discussion!
We also talk about Maxime’s lifestyle and rituals, how a multi-hyphen career is working for her and we have some laughs in-between our chatter.
Basically, I could’ve talked for hours with Maxime (and well, we kind of did!). I hope you feel as happy and inspired listening to our conversation as I did. I am really thankful to Maxime for not only taking out the time to record with me for the Spiritual Feminist podcast, but also for her to share her wisdom on so many topics. This is an episode I will cherish for a long time – I hope you feel the same!
Tarot First Aid Kit 😉 :
*Lindsay Mack’s podcast Tarot for the Wild Soul and website: https://lindsaymack.com
* The traditional tarot deck: Rider Waite Tarot
* The prettier deck Maxime also reccommends: Ophidia Rosa deck
*Jerico Mandybur created a more inclusive tarot deck called Neo Tarot and does weekly card pulls on Instagram (@jerico.mandybur)
* Maxime’s book recommendation: Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea
*The website Biddy Tarot (https://www.biddytarot.com) gives you instant explanations of cards and more background information.
For the Dutchies & Flemish:
Reclaim your inner witch with Heksen Dragen Sneakers podcast by Maxime and Lana (on pretty much every podcast app) .
Rituals and Daily Life Drinks:
*Mush Superfood: https://mushsuperfood.com
*Elixirs from Mirabella.s creaties: https://www.mirabellascreaties.be
*More information on adaptogenes via Josefien @yosogreen on Instagram
*Meditation: Lacy Phillips – The Pathway membership https://tobemagnetic.com/
About Maxime:
Say hi to Maxime over on Instagram (maximevossen.be)! Check out Maxime’s Patreon to enjoy moon rituals and personal readings. Check her website for more of her offerings.
~ Don’t forget to subscribe! There is a new episode waiting for you every fortnight.
~ Join the community on Instagram ~ and let me know what you thought of this episode! I would love to hear from you.
~ Music credits go to www.purple-planet.com.
The Spiritual Fem is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into feminism, spirituality and womanhood ~ but simply don’t know where to begin. As a Spiritual Feminist, I believe that connecting to spirituality can give you a deeper experience of life. This podcast is about exploring that connection within ourselves and with everything around us. I hope you will leave this episode feeling inspired and reconnected to your female fire.
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.