Hold Yourself as You Let Go of Blockages
This episode is inspired by my immersive group mentoring journey Embodied Empowerment, starting September 7th. Read all about it on my website – and do let me know if you have any questions!
Inner child work is something you’ll see thrown around often in this self development space. What is it, why is it important and how do you do ‘it’? In this episode, I guide you through the three most important aspects of this inner deep dive:
1. Becoming Aware
2. Hold (Yourself) & Let Go
3. Surrender & Empower
I hope this episode sparks something in you – and inspires you to deepen your healing journey from a compassionate, holistic place. Do reach out if you’re craving more or have any thoughts or comments you’d like to share!
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem), send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com) and click around on the website for all the current offerings
~ Music credits go to www.purple-planet.com
~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you