go beneath the fear - and towards your deepest alignment
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Intuition by definition is a scary thing in a world that is based on rational structures and frameworks.
We are so conditioned to believe that trustworthy has to equal dependable and calculable. So, let this be your invitation to come back into alignment. Do you feel a nudge from within to take an intuitive step, but feel scared to listen to it? This peptalk is for you!
I talk about…
1. What it means to go beneath the fear you’re feeling – and using it as fuel .
2. How you can be rooting back into alignment, taking your time, and giving yourself a loving kick up the butt too.
3. How considering the alternative can be motivating too.
Above all, I hope this episode will show you that you’re definitely not alone when you feel a little afraid of trusting your intuition – but that you are deeply worthy of doing the brave thing and exploring the aligned decision in your life. Take the leap of faith, step by step, and come back to the knowing that there is a reason that you feel the nudge. You got this, sister!
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem), send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com) and click around on the website for all the current offerings
~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us.
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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