Strong Roots & Wide Wings
As many of you know through the podcast, I am currently on a journey of reconnecting to my own menstrual cycle again – after 10 years of birth control. This process has taught me so much already. My body lovingly guided me to slow down the first few weeks, and now she’s slowly settling into a natural rhythm again of rising, peak, decreasing and low energy.
This has made me reflect on something.
We cannot expect ourselves to peak when we don’t allow ourselves to dive.
When we dismiss our decreasing and low energy phases (whether that is because of your own cycle or of the moon, or even the outer seasons of Autumn & Winter), not enough space will have been created to fully rise and peak again. We need the divine balance between rest and activity.
Perhaps you’re reading this, thinking ‘well, OF COURSE!’. But let me ask you something: how many times have you allowed yourself your inner Winter? How many times has society demanded of you to push through, leaving you feeling depleted and frustrated when that new cycle of (inner) Spring started again?
Allowing ourselves to rest, hibernate, disconnect from the world around us and turn inwards is a big rebellion in itself, but once I started to see it as a necessary part of the divine cycle of living, I found a permission slip.
When I want to feel productive, creative and flowy during most other parts of my cycle, I need to take up space with this phase too.
And you know what? Coming out of the other side of the outer season of Winter (in which I very much wintered, felt a little blocked and stagnant, and experienced some healing on various levels, all whilst taking up the space to go through it), I can say it was worth it, and needed. I’m feeling more inspired than ever before. The channel has been cleared.
We need to grow roots first to fully be able to soar.
We cannot fly without a foundational layer of grounding. As paradoxical as it may sound, I truly believe this.
When you stand firm in your sense of Self, know your values and thus not bend easily by the (metaphorical) wind (of setbacks), you will be able to fly so much higher. Your wings will have had the opportunity to grow so much wider and stronger.
So during this weekend of Spring Equinox, when we reflect on the divine balance between light and dark, I invite you to reflect on another balance too: your inner balance of rooting and rising. How grounded are you in your Self? How is this allowing you to soar? What is possible when you give yourself the space and time for all phases of the cycle?
I hope it feels exciting for you – because it is!
Consciously moving through this cyclical life gives an abundance of fertile possibilities. Especially now, with Spring on our doorstep. Use Nature as your guide and mirror, and plant some seeds energetically.
The seed needs to grow roots underground first before it can visibly bloom into a flower or plant. Allow yourself the space to move through life the same way.