Speaking my truth, sharing my story, taking you on my personal journey as I move through life… it’s what I’ve been doing for almost two years now. And if there’s one thing (and trust me, there’s so many more!) I learned within those two years, is that it always pays off to be vulnerable.
It may feel like you want to curl up in a little ball or crawl into a cave during the process of opening your heart and mind for the world (or a few good friends) to see and hear, but that’s simply because this world likes you to believe it’s unsafe to do so.
I sometimes think about how the world would look like if we’d all grow up learning that it’s safe and healthy to express ourselves fully – that it’s simply part of being human to share the darker sides of our heart and the heavier parts of our story. I like to think some of us are building that future right now with their children.
I think being vulnerable (however difficult, painful or heavy it may be) is the ultimate connector. We can’t expect to have deep relationships with ourselves and others if we continue to maintain the wall around our heart.
The crumbling starts now, if you want it to.
Imagine ‘the Tower’ from the Tarot. Usually not really a card you want to pull, with its destructive forces and the idea that everything is going to shit (lol). But when you take another look, you notice how the fire is creating fertile soil, and how the tearing apart of the tower has now created space for a stronger foundation.
So you choose.
Is it a crumbling of your own being, or the crumbling of that wall around your heart? Do you see it as a destructive force or as a fertiliser? Being vulnerable, ultimately, allows you to connect to yourself and others in a deep, raw and authentic way.
It’s almost like training a muscle too: if you do it more and more, it gets easier every time.
A while ago I read about an author’s questioning of why, as humans, we’re so focused on protecting, suppressing and camouflaging our weaknesses and flaws. The author asked himself and the reader: why do we work so hard to hold on to things we rather not have?
Man’s got a point.
In my opinion, being vulnerable allows a lightness to pour into our heavy hearts. Whether we’re being honest with ourselves or sharing our raw story with someone else, it’s signalling a message to our energetic field saying ‘I choose to let go. I don’t need to hold onto this, suppress it or ignore it any longer’. By breaking it open, you can set it free.
And one of the most wonderful byproducts of leaning into vulnerability is that you give others the energetic permission to do the same. What would our world look like if we could all set free that which makes our hearts feel so heavy? A powerful thought indeed.
I honour your own process in this. For various reasons, we can feel unsafe in expressing ourselves fully and sharing our story. But please know there’s always space here to do so.