This special meditation is a gift to you from me, celebrating my 29th birthday and how feminine energy has supported me through these past years of my life. I wish the same for you, so get comfortable, make sure you won’t be distracted for the next 10 minutes, and meditate with me on your golden feminine energy. I can’t wait to hear about your experience!
This meditation is inspired by Sacralise Yourself: the donation based training around exploring what feminine energy means to you.
If you’re craving more practices like these, check out the training above ánd leave your email here to receive Yoga Connection practice, bringing you back to the heart of your feminine energy, straight to your inbox!
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem) & send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com).
~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us.
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you.
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