what's allowed to bloom when you remove the weeds?
Recently, I’ve been leaning into my soul’s yearning to slow down. That’s right, amidst the height of Yang season (Spring/Summer), I felt like I needed to step away from the Spiritual Feminist a little bit and let her do her own thing.
I truly believe everything within and around us is energy and I treat my business as such as well. The Spiritual Feminist flows with me, around me, through me, but also separately from me.
And thus when my soul whispered to me that I needed (and deserved) personal nourishment and rest, I decided to lean in.
It’s magical what happens when we decide to trust.
It’s not easy (hence the word ‘decision’!), especially when we’re surrounded by hustle culture and 24/7 social media. But oh my goddess, it’s so worth it.
So here I am, coming at you from a gentle place, easing myself back into conversations with you and the Spiritual Feminist herself. This past week marked the 2 year anniversary of the podcast and platform in general, which is pretty wild. So it’s no wonder the Universe nudged me to take a step back, recalibrate my own energy and align my business once again.
And I’m slowly getting there. I’m taking my time. I’m letting the fresh air and sunshine, as well as my open heart, guide me further. It feels vulnerable, and sometimes fear comes creeping back in, but it does become a little easier to lean into the courage it takes to rest and be gentle in this season.
Tell me, what is currently holding you back from living your most empowered and aligned life?
When I asked this question on Instagram last week, the majority of you answered ‘fear’. Fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of any and every kind.
Fear is an important emotion, because it can protect us from danger. But in the 21st century, rising up as the Wild Woman you are isn’t dangerous. At least not for you – for the status quo it’s a different story 😉
After reading your entries, I felt deeply called to dive deeper into living a life in alignment with your heart & soul, and how you can feel most empowered and wild. So, I’m hosting a free workshop Friday June 11th for you to join live or pop on replay-style whenever suits you best.
If you fancy a deep dive chat, as well as practical embodiment tools, all about releasing blockages (pulling out the weeds in your garden), creating space for your Wildness to come through (sowing the seeds) and blooming as your highest Self wants you to, then join me!
Navigating fear requires the same gentleness I’ve been leaning into the past few weeks. Navigating your soul’s yearnings requires the same space I’ve given myself and my biz the past few weeks. So allow me to guide you in this deep process – I promise you you’ll leave feeling refreshed and empowered!