seeing (the possibilities) in the dark
Deborah Eden Tull is a dharma teacher, shamanic practitioner, and deep ecologist and in her new book ‘Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown’, she calls for a better and deeper understanding of darkness as a pathway to healing.
In this episode, we talk about our collective and individual fear around darkness and how we can return to a non-dual, all-encompassing way of living by healing that fear.
Eden shares her inspiring life story of living as a Buddhist monk and how the gifts of darkness supported her coming back into the ‘real world’. Eden also shares tangible ways in which we get to lean into the healing power of the darkness – and makes a case of how this can support our feminine empowerment journey.
~ Find Eden on Instagram (@mindfullivingrevolution) and her website (deborahedentull.com). Her book ‘Luminous Darkness’ can be found on Amazon and all other major booksellers – or order it through your local store!
~ Say goodbye to your inner Good Girl – and hello to your inner Spiritual Feminist with my brand new 5-month journey. You’ll heal your sisterhood wound, ignite your inner fire and have SO much fun – promise! We start November 23rd – so check out all the details and sign up :).
~ Let’s hang out on Instagram (@thespiritualfem), send me an email with your thoughts (hello@thespiritualfeminist.com) and click around on the website for all the current offerings
~ Music credits go to www.purple-planet.com
~ The Spiritual Feminist is an online platform and a safe space for women who’d like to dive deeper into spirituality and female empowerment. This podcast is about exploring a deeper connection within ourselves and with everything around us
~ Nothing is missing, you are already whole. Everything you need, you already carry within you