Synchronicity & Surrender
I hosted a free vision board workshop this week (you can still catch the replay!) which was so much fun. I guided 15 women live (and 50+ of you during the replay!) through the process of creating a (spiritual) vision board.
The key ingredient?
Focus on how you would like to FEEL, rather than set outcomes.
This allows you to drop from the mind (harsh goals, step-by-step outline) into the heart & soul.
You see, the feeling we would like to call in can come from buying that house, starting that project or quitting your job – but it can also come from so many other things. I believe setting goals can be motivating, but also in a paradoxical way sometimes a tad limiting. What else would you be able to call in if you’d surrender to the natural course of life a little more and focus on the expansiveness of feeling & being, rather than doing?
This creates space for the divine feminine to come through, and oh my Goddess, is she powerful to awaken within you.
Approaching life, and goals or intentions, this way also calls in a sense of surrender. Surrender in terms of staying open to the magic of life and everything the Universe is weaving together for us.
When we focus more on how we would like to feel in life, we open our hearts to all the possibilities this could be manifested into our reality. And often, that feels a lot less daunting and faraway than a big goal. And with an open heart, you open yourself up to signs and synchronicities. You will see how you’re supported on your path, you will receive nudges of your intuition on where to go next, and you will live in such a grounded way that whatever setback you will experience (I mean, this is still real life we’re talking about), you will be able to see it as just another step on your path in life.
Personally, there’s been many synchronicities like this lately.
As much as we’d like to prepare and plan our lives, the Universe often has other plans.
There’s a sense of resiliency and excitement in the surrender to the flow, isn’t there?
I would love to know how these words land with you!