living a life from yoni energy - because you are worthy of it...
Take a moment here to close your eyes, place your hand(s) on your lower belly / womb space, and breathe into it. How does that feel? Now, repeat to yourself: “I am worthy of pleasure”. What is your physical reaction to this affirmation, and perhaps specifically to the words ‘worthy’ and ‘pleasure’?
I think in our culture, we’ve been taught to be afraid of pleasure, to fear our own sensuality and feminine superpowers. And this fear is keeping us from our deepest, most sacred power. It’s time to activate your Yoni energy. You ready?
Probably not.
Goddess knows I wasn’t (and still in some ways aren’t) ready to uncover that power that is suppressed for so long. We’ve been conditioned to fear this power, exactly because it is our greatest asset as people in a female body. The patriarchal structures in our society knew damn well to cancel that power all those thousand’s of years ago, because it was a threat to the rise of the masculine.
Can you imagine how powerful our female energy is, when the church, and consequently capitalism, worked so incredibly hard to push it away? There are whole systems build in our culture to keep our most sacred potential at bay. Girl, don’t underestimate the significance of this work!
When I talk of Yoni energy, I speak to the energetic power that resides in what makes up our female anatomy – our vagina, vulva, womb. Basically, the way our pelvis and pelvic floor are made up.
Important sidenote – people in bodies that aren’t anatomically considered ‘female’ can still access Yoni energy, I believe this to be true. It depends on how you identify and how you resonate with this sacred feminine power. I would never want to overgeneralise or leave people’s personal experience out of the equation. Take with you what resonates, lovely!
I told my boyfriend the other day how it’s absolutely crazy that ‘pussy’ is a swear word used to describe weakness and that ‘grow some balls’ is used to express strength – even though a male’s groin may be the most sensitive part of his body (hey, they can’t help it, but it’s the truth!), and pussies literally birth babies.
I don’t think many people realise the importance of words and shifting, rewriting the stories we create with them. The more we use pussy as an empowering, rather than a derogatory, term, the more we start to believe that in our bodies. The more we start to reclaim words such as vagina, vulva and Yoni, the more we start to embody their power.
Connecting to this part of your body may bring up deep trauma or Trauma. It may bring up fear, sadness and anger.
Step one is to sit with that. The only way out is through. Allow yourself to feel all of these emotions, which are equally as sacred as the pleasure and worthiness that your Yoni by default radiates. Letting your tears flow or your rage out are rebellious acts, necessary to unlock this divine flow of feminine energy.
Step two is to let pleasure in. And when I say pleasure, yes I mean sexual pleasure -enjoying your own body, perhaps on your own, perhaps with someone else. But I also mean pleasure on a greater scale. Do you truly believe you are worthy of enjoying life? Of doing things that bring you joy without it needing to make you money, look perfect or have other expectations attached to them?
I believe it becomes easier to embody pleasure ‘in the bedroom’ when you feel safe enough to let pleasure in in other, more platonic areas of your life.
Choosing to experience enjoyment, to actively seek it, to take up space with laughter and fun, creates a foundational layer of safety and selftrust. This baseline will always translate itself into the physical, sensual and sexual aspects of your life. If you feel safe within to take up space, if you know in other eares of your life what you enjoy and what you stand for, you will find it more accessible to you to tap into this in your sex life as well.
And this is what Yoni energy is all about. Taking up space. Being unapologetic about emotions, feelings, your loud laugh or ‘crazy’ hobby.
Your Yoni is ready to embrace your weirdness. In fact, she IS your weirdness. Your weirdness and wildness.
By awakening the suppressed energy in your pelvis, you will find…
… your intuitive voice
… a deep love for your body
… the way home to your truest Self.
So put your hands on your lower belly, cup your Yoni, and whisper (or shout!) a thank you to her. She’s there, waiting for you to rekindle the relationship with her. She’s there, ready to awaken your wildest dreams.
Let me know in a comment what your relationship with your Yoni is! Want to hear me talk more about this? I also recorded a podcast around this topic:
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